Welcome to Sheila Brown Speaks!
The road to Divine Health is paved with more than intentions to eat better and exercise, but with specific steps that lead to positive habits that strengthen the body, mind, and soul.
My mission is to create a mindset shift toward a state of divine health in women and to remind them that they are the precious daughters of the Most High.
Divine Health is the state of being in excellent physical condition, possessing a sound mind, and maintaining spiritual balance at any age, with prayer and meditation, juicing and fasting, positive thoughts and affirmations, physical activity, and consuming plant-based food.
In 2016, I had a breakthrough that moved me to confront my unhealthy relationship with food. I was forced to address issues that I had unknowingly suppressed from my past-some as early as childhood, which prohibited me from achieving my goals and undermined my health.
I took control of my eating, switched to a vegan diet, and reaped the benefits of fasting to help my body become one with my mind and soul.
Using the same powerful strategies and techniques that enabled me to shed 130 lbs and years of negative habits, I hope to help women become healthier with plants and overcome eating disorders and black health disparities. I want to empower other sisters who seek to identify, confront, and overcome their own anxieties and issues associated with food and their bodies.
in this age of fast food & fast living, I’m here to guide you to a life that honors your body and soul. we'll start With a soup that's as rich as its story. divinity souP will feed your body & Satisfy your soul. remember, Divine health is not just physical fitness. It’s mental and spiritual health as well.

Sheila Brown is such an inspiration and I am glad to have learned more about her journey in her book, Divinity Soup. I’ve been working out daily but have been struggling to lose weight. I know that it’s due to my eating habits but I wasn’t sure exactly where to begin to change my food choices. Divinity Soup was the kick-start that I needed and I look forward to more books and recipes from Ms. Brown!
Jenn F., Washington DC
The Road to Divine Health
I believe that weight loss isn’t just about controlling what you eat. It’s about understanding why you eat and changing bad habits associated with overeating or eating the wrong kind of food.
I hope to shift the mindset that many women have surrounding food, body image and weight loss. I am dedicated to providing women the same effective tools and educational resources I used to make better food choices, improve my health, and to overturn self-limiting beliefs.
Welcome to Sheila Brown Speaks!
I am so excited for this opportunity to share my life's passion with you-working to uplift, restore and heal the daughters of the Most High by assisting them first on their journey to a state of divine health! All other matters of concern will fall into order from...
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Women of African Descent (WOAD) are bombarded with negative images through television shows, movies, music videos, and of course news reports from mainstream media. Sometimes these platforms depict WOAD as superficial, ignorant, materialistic or immoral. Other times...
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Women consider many things when making that infamously long list of traits they desire in a man. While you can expect to find a man’s financial worth, attractiveness, and accomplishments at the top of that list, there is another approach to evaluating a man’s...
read moreOur bodies are a gift from God, a divine machine for you to fulfill your purpose!